Monday, September 6, 2010

Being dd sucks

Was the DD last night, feels bad man. Got to watch everyone else get wasted =(
driving people home really sucks when they live outside of town, one lives 8miles away in one direction, the other like 10miles in the opposite direction. To top it off my car is acting weird, i think the cruise control is fucked. fuck it all tho im getting hammered tonight, anyone up for a rave?


  1. SEIZURE!!


  2. Holy shit that is an amazing room. Have fun gettin shit face bro, good luck with the hangover! Anyways, keep up the good work man

    Followed, clicked, and supported
    much love

  3. When it comes to dd...take turns man. Everyone gets screwed equally. But it's interesting to see the party sober now and then. Can't remember the last time I was dd. Nobody trusts my driving sober or otherwise. Which...

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  4. Supportin! Check out some wallpapers:

  5. Eh, I wouldn't mind being the DD- I never drink anyway. Like, at all.
    I haven't had a drop since April. Admittedly, I drank about a half gallon of straight vodka in about 45 minutes.

  6. sounds like fun bro

  7. hehe dd sucks, unless you get well paid ;)) anyways followin and supporting :)

  8. DD can be useful though, I was DDing my friends to a club in SF we parked on the street because it was a Thursday, and the sign said no parking monday-wed-fri 12AM-4AM street cleaners, I didn't realize at the time because It was Thursday and I was busy trying to keep the 3 of them in line, but at 11:58 I left the club to go get fresh air and when I tried to get back in they said I couldn't because I obvious was out drinking in the car, So I just said wtf and went back to the car, just in time to move before the meter maid gave us a 300$ parking ticket.
